
「あたらしく、うまれる – 子を育てるアーティストの日々の創造」
「100年、愛されるアート」をビジョンに固有の場所を持たないアートギャラリー ayatsumugiさん企画によるグループ展参加します!
Fifth season&袋田病院での2年間のプロジェクトから生まれた作品も展示予定です。お近くの際はぜひ!
あべさやか、稲吉稔、okada mariko、蠣崎誓、加茂昂、幸田千依、豚星なつみ、水川千春
会期・2024年3月8日(金) ~ 3月24日(日)
主催gallery ayatsumugi
展覧会「The bluest monday」
@Beeldend Gesproken(オランダ)
プロジェクト企画、運営fifth seasonと袋田病院。オランダ文化、在日オランダ王国大使館、大子市の多大なるご支援により実現することができました。
Exhibition “The bluest monday ”will be open until this weekend (13th-21st of January 2023)@Beeldend Gesproken
日時 11月19日(日)14:00-14:20もしくは14:40-15:00
所要時間 20分
場所 袋田病院 旧療養棟2階
参加費 無料
定員 5人まで
アートフェスタ 袋田病院美術館 自然とアートの散歩道
日時 2023年11月19日(日)10:00-16:00
場所 袋田病院美術館 (袋田病院 茨城県大子町)
12 05 – 17 07 2017
@ Garage Rotterdam NL
Exhibition is called “Humble” curated by Heske ten Cate and Hanne Hagenaars
BRANDSTOF | Friday 23 maart, 20.00 uur
My works are in frames!
It is usually very difficult to fit my work in frames because of the large size and the need for a lot of light.
One work which I donated to the artist in residency at het vijfde seizoen (July-Sep 2015), with organiser Esther Vossen we went to the frame shop to check materials and size, etc etc. I finally could see Ms.A beautifully in a frame at the opening of HVS!
For other large works which are presented by janknegtgallery (http://janknegtgallery.com/) at Amsterdam Pan, I am very pleased by the fantastic job by frame maker Mr. E and great gallery owner Ms.J. They are beautiful wooden frames with light behind!
The sake of sake
Our new animation installation, The sake of sake, the result of Miyoshi artist in residence after the research at Sake brewery Miyoshi kiku. Who missed it, please check out this video!
三好アーティストインレジデンスで制作したアニメーションインスタレーション The sake of sake, (お酒の話) 。酒蔵三芳菊で見せていただいた酒造りのプロセスを元に映像作家Manus Sweeneyと共に制作したものです。展覧会を見れなかった方、ダイジェスト版ビデオ、のぞいてみてください。
18.02. – 05.03.2017
Socially Engaged Art by the Art&Society Research Center in Tokyo
@ 3331 Arts Chiyoda
More details at Here
and presented by vijfde-seizoen
and more info at
10.02-24.02 2017
Machi-to-Sora Art Festival 2017 / マチトソラ芸術祭2017
We will show the new work of Miyoshi Artist in Residence 2016. More info at http://machitosora.com/
14.11-11.12 2016
Miyoshi Artist in Residence 2016
Its collaboration with film maker Manus Sweeney. We plan to produce an animation and projection mapping on the theme of sake brewing in Miyoshi.
20-27.11. 2016
Pan Amsterdam
Presented by Janknegt gallery. More detail at janknegtgallery
23.10-mid of Dec. 2016
You are warmly invited to the exhibition for which I worked together with international women who live around buurtkamer Parlarie not far from Amsterdam central station. On 23rd of October we will make a small tour around the exhibition and neighborhood. It would be great to see you there.
More details will follow…
Zondag 23 Oktober is de opening van de tentoonstelling van Sayaka Abe, die samenwerkte met vrouwen van de internationale vrouwengroep uit buurtkamer Parlarie in de Zeeheldenbuurt.
LET OP ! de opening is vroeger dan anders, om 14 uur, de lokatie is buurtkamer Parlarie, Barenstzstraat 28.
Adressen van de etalages: Van Heemskerckstraat 42, 46 Dirk Hartoghstraat 41, 45, Roggeveenstraat 109, 165 In buurtkamer Parlarie zijn ook drie foto’s te zien.
20.08. 2016
Presentation of new publication “Dear Fighters!” Another Place, My Life, Casco/ FOTODOK Utrecht NL
6-7.1. 2015
het IDEA festival Collaborate with Filosofie Oost-West
Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy Amsterdam
Artist in residence at Het Vijfde Seizoen (The Fifth Season).
It is a residence for artists on the grounds of the psychiatric institution the Willem Arntz Hoeve in Den Dolder, the Netherlands. Professional artists can live and work here for a season (3 months).
Anything but homeless. Tekeningen uit de NOG Collectie at Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
The NOG Collection is owned by Stichting Beheer SNS REAAL. De NOG Collectie is eigendom van Stichting Beheer SNS REAAL.
Marlies Appel, Merina Beekman, Beekman, Merina, Simon Benson, Ansuya Blom, Dineke Blom, Nik Christensen, David Bade, Otto Egberts, Helen Frik, Kees de Goede, Clair Harvey, Frank van Hemert, Caren van Herwaarden, Hans van Hoek, Nan Hoover, Nan Hoover, Shelagh Keeley, Arno Kramer, Sandra Kruisbrink, Mariëtte Linders, Philip Loersch, Marijn Akkermans, Marjolijn van den Assem, Erik Mattijssen, Ronald Noorman, Peter Otto, Jürgen Partenheimer, Sayaka Abe, Greet Schutte, Joseph Semah, Maria Smits, Elly Strik, Aline Thomassen, Veron Urdarianu, Emo Verkerk, Naomi Warmer, Nobuko Watanabe.
4. 2 – 8. 2. 2015
International Book Art Fair in Art Rotterdam Week
at Fenixloods 1, Veerlaan 9-13, Katendrecht, Rotterdam Check here!
8.1.2015 -17.1.2015
Excellent Post @CBK with Masa.O
At Uchinokoto exhibition, excellent postmen (Masa Oyamada & Sayaka Abe) will work on making excellent postcards which the exhibition visitors want to send to their home and to prepare them for delivering During the pop up excellent post , it is open for visitors to join and write post cards to their home as well. More info at Excellent Post
27. 11.2014-17.1.2015
うちのこと アムステルダム編
会場, CBK Amsterdam
Uchinokoto Amsterdam version
at CBK Amsterdam
Work as a researcher (1 Dec-23 Dec 2014) for doing research community art in Malaysia with Asahi Art Festival and present the research at AAM (16 Dec – 17Dec 2014)
Supported by AAF, Japan Foundation, Multimedia University in Malaysia
Here, you can see a blog of AAF Malaysia community art reserach
Kair2014(神山Air ) 展覧会
会場 粟カフェ 神山 徳島県
Kair2014 (Kamiyama Artist in Residence 2014) exhibition
at Awa cafe Kamiyama Tokushima Japan
detail at www.in-kamiyama.jp
『うちのこと』Uchinokoto -house, family, inside and I-
On going research exhibition at Akibatamabi21 (3331 Arts Chiyoda) in Tokyo.
More info at Uchinokoto
詳しくはウェブサイトをご覧ください。 Uchinokoto
Artist in Residency in Hacchi in Japan. More news will be updated at sayakamiyama!
ポータルミュージアム「はっち」にてManus Sweeney と映像作品を制作します。詳しくはHacchi & sayakamiyama にて!
26.5. 2014 –
Kamiyama Ruby show at JA in Kamiyama
The works from Kair2013 will be presented at JA in Kamiyama. My work are for sale at exhibition space!
Kair Kamiyama Artist Residency From August until Novemver 2013
From the end of August until end of November 2013, I am invited to work in Kair (an artist in residence) in Kamiyama, Japan. As Kamiyama means God mountain, there is also Shosan-temple which is well known as the 12th temple from Shikoku 88 pilgrimage. I am very much spiritually inspired by working in the middle of the mountains. The result of this residency, I am planning to exhibit in an old Sake factory in town. If you are near it would be nice to see you there!
I am going to update Kamiyama life at sayakamiyama.
We are aslo working on food project with Whatelesevideo, Nozomi Kume(Fashion designer),Mika Sawairi(Food coordinator) and me. More detail at 100 days in Kamiyama at Awa Cafe in Kamiyama!
Interview video of Misato who lives in Fukushima after3.11 (2013)
Fukushima city 2013
Film and edit by Manus Sweeney
Interview by Sayaka Abe
Music by Yutaka Hoshino
2. 2013-7.6.2013
Lloyd Hotel and Cultural Embassy special project Lloyd Post by Home-Work.
Home-Work team set up a temporary Lloyd Post office at the hotel for 5 month. We invited hotel guests to write their …. experience in the Netherlands for exchange of our original stamp and new postcard.
You can see their ….. experience in the Netherlands here!