Hachinohe Story2014 – はちのへものがたり


This work was produced at Hacchi Artist in Residency collaborated with Manus Sweeney.Work was based on interviews of people at old fish market in Japan. It reflected on the situation and voices of local market which is shrinking by city globalization.

You can see the blog of while we are staying there at Hahinohe Story2014

Video 4:11(minutes)

drawing on paper 110×300(cm)


Hacchi Portal Museum

SAMA YAMA ( Sayaka Abe + Manus Sweeney)

hachinohe story2014.5

hachinohe story2014.2

hachinohe story2014.4

hachinohe story2014

hachinohe story2014.3

Still images from video

Hachinohe Story 2014 Mutsuminato fish market from Vimeochan on Vimeo.